The Fund performance is calculated by comparing unit prices over the relevant performance measurement period and also taking into account income distributions made during the period.

The objective of the Fund is to provide an investment in Australian listed shares, with the aim of outperforming the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index1 after fees over rolling five year periods.

As at the 31 December 2024 the Fund performance (after fees and assuming income distributions were reinvested; figures greater than one year are expressed as annual compound returns) relative to the Fund benchmark was as follows:

Third Link Growth Fund-1.5%+4.7%+6.8%-0.8%+5.8%+8.1%+10.0%
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index1-0.8%+6.9%+11.4%+7.0%+7.9%+8.5%+9.6%
Fund performance relative to its benchmark-0.7%-2.2%-4.6%-7.8%-2.1%-0.4%+0.4%

Returns are calculated after fees have been deducted and assuming reinvestment of distributions. Figures greater than one year are expressed as annual compound returns. No allowance is made for tax. The benefits of franking credits from dividends received have not been included.

  1. The S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index covers the largest 300 shares listed on the Australian market. Being an accumulation index, it measures changes in both the value and income of the shares.
  2. February 2012 reflects the date when the Fund’s investment strategy changed from multi sector growth to Australian equities.

Investors should be aware that past performance is not indicative of future performance. Returns can be volatile, reflecting rises and falls in the value of underlying investments.

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